Language R&D LLC

Language R&D LLC

Innovating EdTech Solutions for a Better Future

About Us

Language R&D LLC is a leading EdTech company based in Tokyo, Japan. We are dedicated to developing innovative solutions that revolutionize language learning and education technology.

We strive to create cutting-edge applications that make language acquisition more accessible and enjoyable for learners worldwide.


We specialize in Education and Technology (EdTech), focusing on developing innovative language learning solutions. Our team combines expertise in linguistics, software development, and user experience design to create powerful and engaging educational tools.

Our Apps


An innovative language learning platform designed to help users master new languages efficiently.

Learn More

A cutting-edge conversation practice app that helps language learners improve their speaking skills through AI-powered interactions.

Corporate Info

  • Corporate Name
    Language R&D LLC

  • Address
    2F Ginzaootakebijidensu, 1-22-11, Ginza, Chuo-Ku, Tokyo, 104-0061, Japan

  • CEO
    Takuto Nishimura

  • Scope of Business
    EdTech (Education and Technology)

  • Contact